8 Things You Can Do Now To Stay Calm and Manage Stress

In times of heightened stress, everyone needs a way to manage that extra energy or lack there of with a go to plan. Having something to do actually alleviates a lot of stress and gives you hope while also taking care of yourself. I have found my own personal go to list of things I do during periods of extreme stress to manage my moods and health. These 8 things work! I know, I have done these things for years and do so even more now as the world seem to be more crazy at times.

1. Exercise. Yes as a fitness professional I would say to exercise but even before I got in this business, I would turn to exercise to alleviate all sorts of stress, anxiety, boredom, frustration, downtime and illness. Exercise will take care of your mind and body by strengthening your immune system and producing feel good hormones. You have heard it all before, nothing that has not been said by experts all over the globe. And you do not need a gym or any equipment really, just just get out and walk in your neighborhood or do an exercise video.

2. Be grateful. Things could always be worse. You may even want to start a gratitude journal listing all the things you are grateful for that day. The one thing that you can do now that is always an antidote to stress and hard times, as hard as it is, is to be grateful. Yes, all the spiritual gurus have said the same thing, that no real adversity can hold up to an attitude of gratitude. Or even as simple as when you make your to do list, write down one thing you are grateful for each day.

3. Get outdoors. Go sit in the sun, walk barefoot in the grass, take your dog for a walk. Go outside and get your mail. Anything you can to get outside. As of this writing, I have a 4 month old puppy so we go out a lot for potty breaks. It helps a lot the fresh air and sunshine.

4. Take supplements. I love supplements! Anyone who has been to my house knows that i have a cabinet full of supplements. In times of high stress I always up my supplements. I love to take extra B-vitamins, vitamin C and the herb Ashwagandha. The B-vitamins help your mood and energy, the Vitamin C for your immune system so you do not get sick. The ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that helps your body adapt to stress. An adaptogenic herb is a class of herbs that are essentially healing plants. They help balance, restore and protect the body.

5. Sleep more. Sleep cures a lot of stress. Sometimes a good nights sleep is all it takes to restore your body. And in times of high stress, try and get as much sleep as you can. Set a sleep schedule to make sure you can get enough good quality sleep in by going to bed at the same time each night and waking and the same time each day.

6. Eat healthy. Eat as many fresh whole foods as you can. Eat extra servings of fruits, vegetables, and drink extra water too. I like to eat lean proteins such as fish, chicken and plant based. Stay away from from overly processed foods like deli meats and anything fried. Limit sugar, alcohol and caffeine too.

7. Read something positive. My go to authors have always been Dr. Wayne Dyer and Pema Chodron for uplifting and spiritual reads. But if you want more of a motivational read, lately I have been reading “High Performance Habits” by Brendon Burchard and “Willpower Does Not Work” by Benjamin Hardy. Reading takes you out of the present moment stress and transports you into what you can do and the world of possibilities.

8. Get creative. Write, draw, sing, play an instrument or even doodle. Again these types of activities take you out of present moment stress and into the other part of your brain that is creative and fluid. In times of stress your brain needs to be protected from the onslaught of that stress by taking a break from it. You can do this by participating in an activity that takes you out of that reactive mode into a relaxed calm mode, thus protecting your brain and making you feel better.